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You're viewing Sims, The : Double Deluxe Cheat Codes

Game Name : Sims, The : Double Deluxe
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-02-20 14:57:45
Views : 26513

Cheat Codes
To bring up the cheat screen, press alt+shift+c, then type in any one of these passwords:

Code - Effect:

rosebud - adds an extra $1,000
move_objects on - allows you to move all objects
cam_mode - camera toggle (cam_mode on to turn on, cam_mode off to turn off).
prepate_lot - fix required lot objects
mansion - gives you the best mansion
autonomy - intelligence (0-1,000)
interests - It'll let you change your interests and personality
music - music toggle
lot size - set lot size (number)
set_hour - set the time you want to get up (1-24)
soundevent - sound event toggle
sound - sound toggle
reload_people - total reload of animations, people, skins, and suits
move_objects off - turns off the cheat above
html - web creation toggle
water tool - you can put water around your house

Faster Money
When using the rosebud cheat, you can get money faster without having to enter the entire code again. All you have to do is add a One (1), to the end of the extended code. (e.x. rosebud;!;!;!;!:!;!;1) You will then be told the code is incorrect, but you will still get the money. So just keep hitting enter and then clicking the OK button.

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Sims, The : Double Deluxe Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Sims, The : Double Deluxe Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Sims, The : Double Deluxe Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Sims, The : Double Deluxe Cheat Codes at Game Score

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